Historical Perspective

In lands where ancient echoes sing, 
A tale of strength and suffering, 
The cradle of humanity’s birth, 
A place where countless dreams found worth.

Through trials and tears, they stood so tall,
 Resilient hearts, they’d never fall, 
A history etched in pain and grace,
 In every line on every face.

From the Pharaohs to the desert’s haze,
 In ancient times, through countless days, 
The stories of a resilient land, 
Where people’s hopes and dreams expand.

Futuristic Perspective

In a future world where peace does reign,
A brighter path, we can attain, 
No borders, no divisions stark, 
A shared destiny, a hopeful spark.

Where nations old and new unite,
To build a world that’s just and right, 
No hatred, fear, or endless fight,
 Just love and peace in endless light.

In unity, we all can thrive, 
A future where we all can strive, 
To build a world where hope does soar, 
And open hearts forevermore.

Recent Struggles

In lands where faith and courage dwell,
 Recent struggles, we must retell, 
A people’s cry for justice heard,
 In every heart, their pain’s conferred.

Every child who has been killed 
Is actually getting alive 
Each drop of blood is a star
For martyrs never ever die! 

Through prayers and tears, they stand so strong, 
Facing trials, righting every wrong,
 In unity, their voices rise,
 In the face of sorrow, hope defies.

A call for peace, a call for grace, 
In these trying times, we embrace,
The strength of spirit, love that binds,
In unity, our hearts aligns.

Hope For A Better Tomorrow

In the shadow of recent sorrow, 
We pray for a brighter tomorrow,
With hearts united, we shall stand,
In solidarity, hand in hand.

For in the teachings that we hold dear, 
Compassion, peace, and love appear, 
A world where hope and kindness thrive,
In unity, together we’ll strive.

With open hearts, we seek the way,
 To heal the wounds, to bring the day, 
When all can live in peace and grace, 
And smiles on every face we trace.


In the pages of time, where history unfolds,
In lands of ancient tales, where stories are told, 
A place where hearts ache, with stories untold, 
In solidarity with Palestine, we stand bold.

In the past, through the ages, a resilient land, 
With cultures and civilizations, so grand, 
From Pharaohs to empires, it took its stand, 
A cradle of history, a vast desert’s sand.

In the future, we envision a brighter day, 
Where peace and justice will surely find a way,
A world where unity will light the way, 
In solidarity with Palestine, we say.

Through the galaxies new, in the future’s domain, 
Where stars and planets in the cosmos reign,
We hope for a world free from sorrow and pain,
In solidarity with Palestine, we maintain.

So let us all unite, past and future combined, 
To stand for justice, leaving no one behind, 
In solidarity with Palestine, in our hearts enshrined, 
A world of peace and love, together we’ll find.


Engr Dr NAILA HINA: (Dr. CMA, MBA, B. E.) A Former Engineering University Instructor, an international award-winning author of 100+ multilingual books, a poet from Karachi, Pakistan. Best Writer of the Decade, editor, translator. Literary Captain at Story Mirror. Recommend for Nobel Prize for Literature 2022. * Continental Manager of Asia, World Press Agency. Naila Hina is humanitarian and graceful. She holds basic degree in Mechanical Engineering with MBA and CMA. She has been awarded Honorary Doctorates. Multitalented she has written poems and books since childhood. Her name is recommended for Nobel prize for Literature 2022. * Dr Naila Hina has translated many Nobel Prize works in Urdu, like Richard Feynman’s book: Surely You are joking Mr. Feynman! Engr. Dr Naila Hina is the first person to translate the Deewaan/ poems of Imrul Qais, father of Arabic poetry.  Dr Naila Hina has published and translated all the books of Dutch poet Germain Droogenbroodt.. She owns a radio station named as Bahisht e Char saat, and NCN Naila-Hina cultural media Network.

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